Friday, February 15, 2013

Are 'little people' considered disabled/handicap?

I was just wondering, because I have to do a project for class and I need to know this. Are little people, or "midgets" considered handicapped or something liek that?
Basically you can divide dwarfism into two categories - people who have an ordinary sized torso and head but have short arms and legs and people who have ordinary sized arms and legs but have a small torso.

I am amazed at the lack of understanding these response demonstrate. Dwarfism is not just a smaller body - it usually includes several medical conditions common to people with Dwarfism in addition to skeletal problems. Yes, accommodations like smaller furniture makes life much easier, but it does not eliminate the disabling characteristics dwarfism brings. Can you imagine giving birth to a baby when your pelvis is the size of a child's? Can you imagine how much harder it is to walk if your body is an ordinary size but your legs are very short? Where is the compassion in the people...

Is the disturbance in formulation and comprehension of language.This class of language disorder ranges from having difficulty remembering words to being completely unable to speak, read, or write. Aphasia is usually linked to brain damage, most commonly by stroke. The brain damage which links aphasia can also cause further brain diseases such as cancer, epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease.
Acute aphasia disorders usually develop quickly as a result of head injury or stroke, and progressive forms of aphasia develop slowly from a brain tumor, infection, or dementia. The area and extent of brain damage or atrophy will determine the type of aphasia and its symptoms. Aphasia types include expressive aphasia, receptive aphasia, conduction aphasia, anomic aphasia, global aphasia, primary progressive aphasias and many others (see Category:Aphasias). Medical evaluations for the disorder range from clinical screenings by a neurologist to extensive tests by a Speech-Language Pathologist.
Most acute aphasia patients can recover some or most skills by working with a Speech-Language Pathologist. This rehabilitation can take two or more years and is most effective when begun quickly. Only a small minority will recover without therapy, such as those suffering a mii-stroke. Improvement varies widely, depending on the aphasia's cause, type, and severity. Recovery also depends on the patient's age, health, motivation, handedness, and educational level.

Effective communication, co-operation and co-ordination between all those involved in caring for a person with dementia are essential for providing a level of care that assures dignity and quality of life for the person with dementia and their carers. 

Alzheimer's Society is rolling out an evidence based training programme for care home staff to reduce the use of antipsychotic drugs in people with dementia.
The programme aims to train staff to manage behavioural and psychological symptoms safely, without the need for medication.

There are many ways you can get involved in dementia research whether you are a carer, a person living with dementia, or just interested in dementia research.        
Research network

Mac OS X Easter Egg - Weather Nowhere

Bring up the Weather widget:
Open the Dashboard, either by clicking its icon in the Dock or by pressing the 'F12" button on your keyboard.
Click on the '+' sign in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen to load up the widget bar.
Locate the 'Weather' by clicking the arrow buttons to either side of the widget bar. When you have found it, drag it to the Dashboard and drop it in a convenient place.

You proabably knew all that, but not hold down the command ('Apple') and option ('alt') buttons together whilst clicking on the weather symbol at the top of the widget itself and watch the current city's name change to 'Nowhere'. As you repeat this, you will see all of the different kinds of weather the widget is capable of depicting.

Windows XP Easter Egg - Pinball Mouse Control

This is a cool egg if youare rubbish at microsoft pinball or just want to make your friends know that you rule. This is how to do it:

Press start, All programs, games, Pinball.

When you are in pinball wait until the ball appears ahd then type in 'hidden test' without the quotes. if you have not mispelt this then you should be able to hold the mouse button and control the ball with the mouse.

Windows XP Easter Egg - Easier Way to Force Win in Solitaire

Select the 'Timed game' and 'Standard' scoring options, then play for over 30 seconds. Press Alt + Shift + 2 (above 'w', not keypad 2). This will end the game, add a bonus to your score, and play the celebration. After the celebration (which may be gracefully ended with a mouse click), you are asked "Deal Again?". If you select 'No', and press Alt + Shift + 2 at this point, your bonus will again be added to your score, and the celebration begins anew.
Informative EASTER EGG

Open a blank Word document, Type ‘=rand(200,99)’, press Enter and wait for 30 seconds.
Candy Cane

OK Here Goes.
1.Go to Display Properties
2.Click the Screen saver tab then Click 3D Pipes 3.Click Settings
4.Click Textured
5.Click Choose Texture
6.Click Cancel.
7.Click OK on the Screen Saver Setup
Now The Pipes
should be Candy Cane Colored!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Technophobics vs. Technophiles
The internet is the great perpetrator of evil upon us meager humans and it is siphoning off our brain cells for future; the boom of the internet has made humans more lazy, impatient, and reliant upon that technology for their intelligence and information. There are the faults of the internet, but also argues for the immense innovation and good the internet is doing for humanity worldwide.
Why does media and technology have to be either one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse or the savior of the human race? Google and its ability to give us massive amounts of information at the drop of a hat is making rote memorization of facts and figures obsolete. Why would we teach students to memorize the information when we can simply teach them how to accurately and quickly attain the information? Each generation that has come before have viewed new technology as harbingers of doom, yet we are still here.
Are there liars on the internet? Yes. Is there porn? Immense amounts. But, let’s get our panties out of a bunch and take a deep breath and realize that the future is now and fighting it will not stop anything. So, let’s embrace the paradigm shift with hesitantly open arms recognizing the faults in the medium and working with it to make the world a better place.

Ruth Umaña      
Jimmy Barrantes
Oscar Escobar 
Kimberly Nuñez
Leandro Campos
Francini Cubillo 
Maurilio Campos
Brayner rodrìguez
Joselyn Bustos 
Profe Carlos     
Jacqueline Picado
Katherine Moya
Faride picado   
Diana Araya      
Hellen castillo    
Marvin paniagua
Lizbeth Gomèz  
Ana Benites      
Bayron Nicundano