Friday, February 8, 2013

Technophobics vs. Technophiles
The internet is the great perpetrator of evil upon us meager humans and it is siphoning off our brain cells for future; the boom of the internet has made humans more lazy, impatient, and reliant upon that technology for their intelligence and information. There are the faults of the internet, but also argues for the immense innovation and good the internet is doing for humanity worldwide.
Why does media and technology have to be either one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse or the savior of the human race? Google and its ability to give us massive amounts of information at the drop of a hat is making rote memorization of facts and figures obsolete. Why would we teach students to memorize the information when we can simply teach them how to accurately and quickly attain the information? Each generation that has come before have viewed new technology as harbingers of doom, yet we are still here.
Are there liars on the internet? Yes. Is there porn? Immense amounts. But, let’s get our panties out of a bunch and take a deep breath and realize that the future is now and fighting it will not stop anything. So, let’s embrace the paradigm shift with hesitantly open arms recognizing the faults in the medium and working with it to make the world a better place.

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